
Showing posts from January, 2020

New Year: Intentions Over Goals

Hey there, readers! We are trying something new on the iTeach Blog this year. In addition to answering your questions every month, we will periodically feature posts written by guest bloggers. This week, iTeach Director Stephanee Stephens is sharing insight about setting your intentions for the new year. “New year, New you!” “It’s time for a Glow-Up!” “Out with the old and in with the new!” I could keep listing out catchphrases, but you get the point! This time of year, everyone is keen to set new goals, clean up their surroundings, and begin a new year (or semester) with fresh energy. I, for one, am happy folks are happy - Any chance we have in education to celebrate, reset, and be happy, we can’t afford to miss! I have been thinking and studying intention a lot over the last year. I sure do wish I had stumbled upon setting intentions earlier in my career. Goals are specific achievements focused on the future, while intentions represent an awareness of who, what, or how w...

iTeach Resolutions for a New Year

Hey Coach, I’m ready to set goals for the new year and I’m looking for some inspiration! Professionally speaking, what are your New Year’s resolutions for 2020? Sincerely, Resolution Ready Dear Resolution Ready, Great question! Self-improvement is the name of the game, and we are always looking for ways to become even better educators, coaches, employees, and colleagues. Working in education, we are well-versed in setting goals at the beginning of each school year and creating a plan to achieve those goals. But still, there’s something about that fresh January feeling that motivates us to reflect on our progress, revisit those goals, and set some new ones! To answer your question, I turned to the great minds on our iTeach team, who shared their own resolutions for 2020. Each resolution is followed by resources and links to prompt your thinking if you are interested in setting a similar goal for your own professional practice. While you read about our goals for the ne...