
Showing posts from May, 2020

3 Ways to Foster a Growth Mindset with School Staff

“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement and success have no meaning.” —Benjamin Franklin What is a growth mindset and why does it matter? In recent years, the mindset field has changed the way schools operate. Through her research at Stanford University, Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology Carol Dweck has observed that the mindset you choose can have a profound impact on how you live your life. Individuals can be placed on a continuum based on their mindsets, according to Dweck. Those who believe their abilities are based on innate talents—and therefore can’t change much—have a fixed mindset. Those who believe that success is based on effort are said to have a growth mindset. They believe that with hard work, you can always improve. One definition I like is that a fixed mindset focuses on proving how smart you are; a growth mindset focuses on improving. Ultimately, leveraging a growth mindset offers you and your staff signifi